Geologic Maps for Thesis

Background and Implications

For my thesis, I digitized and manipulated various geologic maps provided by the USGS. Many of these areas did not have shapefile data, so I used available jpeg and tif images. I georeferenced these maps in ArcGIS Pro and traced the outlines of geologic units, creating my own polygon feature classes and attribute tables for each map. I exported the resulting maps as pdfs and imported them into Adobe Illustrator to add the unit descriptions.

Geologic Map of Akron, Colorado

Geologic Map of Central Plains Experimental Range, Colorado

Geologic Map of El Reno, Oklahoma

Geologic Map of Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico

Geologic Map of Jornada, New Mexico

Geologic Map of Lordsburg, New Mexico

Geologic Map of Moab, Utah

Geologic Map of Mandan, North Dakota

Geologic Map of Twin Valley, Nevada